Personal information
Name: Freddy Joseph Nyakutu
Date of birth: 10 October 1998
Country: Tanzania
Study: Pharmaceutical Sciences
Study information
Study: Ordinary diploma in Pharmaceutical Sciences
University: Buhongwa College of Health and Allied Sciences
Location: Mwanza, Tanzania
Start date: March 2021
Expected graduation: July 2024
Costs per year for iSTEPup: TZS 2.130.000 [$920] (€755) (source:
Costs per semester for iSTEPup: TZS 1.065.000 [$460] (€378)
Why I need the iSTEPup Foundation
When I was in high school, I discovered the value of learning and worked hard to get to where I am now, regardless of the economic hardships I went through. I have committed myself to continue my education, so that I can help bring changes to my society. I want to provide pharmaceutical services to various places where there are no professional people and also to the world at large. However, constant financial problems due to the heavy burden lying on my parents made it impossible for me to attend college. I do engage in helping with the financial situation of my family by doing various jobs, but this appeared to be insufficient to pay my tuition fees. I feel so fortunate to be able to study due to the iSTEPup funding, which helps me to achieve my goals and serve my community. After completing my studies I have planned to work at the local hospital pharmacy and explore the chances of furthering my education, so that i can fulfill my dreams, support my family members and give back to the society in a proper way.
Lieke Buijs, medical student from The Netherlands
I met Freddy in October 2019 when I stayed in Tanzania for a medical research internship. He appeared to be a very hospitable, open-minded and ambitious young man and we soon became friends. Freddy was doing multiple jobs to support his family, but had always wished to complete his high school education and go to college. After my internship we kept in touch and in January 2021 he surprised me with the news that he had graduated from high school! While he was struggling to find a way in which he could pay his tuition fees for college, I came across the iSTEPup Foundation. Within few days after I told him about this opportunity, Freddy sent me all the needed information for his application and travelled to Mwanza to arrange his college submission. I am so proud to be the buddy of such an inspiring student and I am certain that Freddy’s dedication to his studies will contribute to a better society one day.
I hope you can help him too! Thank you so much for your donation.