Below you can find our policy plan describing the strategy and policy of iSTEPup and contains an overview of the (financial) data of the foundation. The policy plan is written in Dutch and an English summary is provided.
We would like to emphasize the following from the policy plan:
iSTEPup is an ANBI foundation that is obliged to keep administration, including a financial overview showing: what amounts have been paid for expenses, fundraising and management. We want to emphasize that the directors of this foundation volunteer. They receive no reward.
iSTEPup has the ambition to provide at least four new scholarships per year to new students, while the support to students with a scholarship will be continued until the end of the study. The number of scholarships that can be provided depends on the availability of suitable candidates and the financial resources.
iSTEPup manages Bank account number: NL88ABNA0814002315.
The foundation has laid down the following in the articles of association: If the board decides to dissolve, any positive liquidation balance will be given to another Public Benefit Organization with a similar objective.
The fiscal number (RSIN number) of the foundation is: 858525446.
The foundation is registered in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, KvK number: 70957606.
Policy plan 1: 2018-2022: iSTEPup Beleidsplan – Policy plan 2018-2022
Policy plan 2: 2023-2027: iSTEPup Beleidsplan – Policy plan 2023-2027