Personal information Name: Kelvin Myson Black

Date of Birth: 25-06-1998

Country: Malawi

Study: Medicine (MBBS Degree) – Kamuzu university of health sciences

Study information

Study: Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS Degree)

University: Kamuzu University of Health Sciences

Location: Chichiri Village, Blantyre District, Malawi

Start date:  October 2018

Expected graduation: October 2025

Costs per year for iSTEPup: $ 794.25[€613.63] (source

Donate for Kelvin ❤

Why I need the iSTEPup Foundation 

It would not be easy and possible to reach my dream of Medical Doctor without the help of iSTEPup. I come from a family of 4 and I am a second born. Father and Mother divorced when I was 10. My mother is an illiterate and jobless. In Malawi if someone is not educated, It is very difficult to find a good and secured job hence unemployment status is on higher rate. I am privileged and thank God for the tertiary education opportunity.

The other thing is that Malawian Medical Colleges are very expensive hence un affordable for poor people as such I wouldn’t be able to pay my own fees. I have been applying for available and limited scholarship opportunities but never been successful

If I complete my education and become a qualified Medical Doctor through this scholarship it would help to find a good job hence to take care of myself, family and the country as a whole.

I would also be involved in charity works especially helping those that would be struggling in their education financially as I have a good experience on this and I know the pain it induces.

It is my wish to finish education and convert a long standing dream to a reality.

Study results

Coming soon 

News and updates:

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