Personal information

Name: Laurence Odero Ogola

Date of Birth: 25/03/2002

Country: Tanzania

Study: Diploma in Pharmaceutical science

Study information

Study: Diploma in Pharmaceutical science

University: Buhongwa  college of health allied science (BUCOHAS)

Location: Mwanza, Tanzania

Start date: September 2020

Graduation: 2024

Costs per year for iSTEPup: 2.000.000 TSH [734 euro]   (source: Payment schedule)

Why I need the iSTEPup Foundation 

I have worked to get where I am regardless the economic hardship , I have been through without forgetting the lack of moral support  but despite all those I have studied hard and made some quit the impression I am therefore hoping to make more impression with support from iSTEPup organization.

After completing my studies  I have planned to voluntary invest in my passion by working at the local hospital pharmacy and exploring on the chance of furthering  my education so that I can live to my dreams , and give back to the society in proper ways .

News and updates:

Update Laurence Ogola April 2024 – Graduated!
